Do I Really Need a Website in 2024?

Why you need a website in 2024

In today’s digital landscape, a strong online presence is non-negotiable. Consider this: 93% of consumers use search engines to find local businesses. And a quick poll amongst my network confirms that every single one uses search engines (not social media) to search for both products and services. For local businesses, especially those relying on their … Read more

Can Veterinarians Take Payments?

veterinary doctors can take payments in emergencies

The short answer is yes. In fact many vets do, even though they don’t publicly announce this fact. As a farmer with livestock that requires a vet visit to see a large number of animals at once, I’ve been offered an ‘account’ by veterinarians throughout the years that permitted me to pay off a large … Read more

Investing In Your Online Business

how much does a website cost

Your website, and the digital marketing that works with it, is not the place to cut corners. Put good budget aside for your digital real estate and treat it like the gold that it is.